Samuel L. Feemster, JD, M.Div.
Pastor, Mount Vernon Baptist Church
Director, John Leland Center for Theological Studies (Adjunct Lecturer)

Samuel L. Feemster, JD, M.Div.
- JD, Wake Forest University School of Law
- M.Div., The John Leland Center for Theological Studies
- B.A., Appalachian State University
Relevant Presentations/Publications
- Feemster, S.L. Conversation with a Professor: Addressing Racial Injustice hosted by the Alumni Association, John Leland Center for Theological Studies, July 28, 2020
- Feemster, S. L. Wellness on the Front Line, “Mind-Body-Spirit”, hosted by the Public Safety Peer Support Association, San Diego, CA., November 8, 2019.
- Feemster, S.L. The price of freedom. 2019. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (December 2010): 7-10.
- Feemster, S.L., and Collins, J.V. 2010. Beyond survival toward officer wellness (BeSTOW): Targeting Law Enforcement Training. The Police Chief (November 2010): 34-43.
- Feemster, S. L. Wellness and Spirituality: Beyond survival practices for wounded warriors. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (May 2009): 2-8.
- Feemster, S. L. Spirituality: An invisible weapon for wounded warriors. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (January 2009): 1-12.
- Feemster, S. L. Spirituality: The DNA of law enforcement practice. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. (November 2007): 8-17.
IJF courses/subjects:
In Search of Biblical Justice
What the Early Church says about Justice
Rethinking Policing
Henry Lee Allen, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology, Wheaton College (retired)
Invited Lecturer, John Leland Center for Theological Studies

- Ph.D., University of Chicago, Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Science
- M.A., University of Chicago, Higher Education Systems, Science, Labor Markets
- B.A., Wheaton College, Biblical Studies, Greek, Christian Education
Recent Publications:
- Allen, H. L. 2020. Scientific literacy and the erosion of democracy: From Counterknowledge to Sophistry to Kakistocracy, (in process) for Akande, Adebowale and Bruce E. Johansen, eds. The Dangerous Global Rise of Nationalism: Rights, Identity, and Environmental Crises.
- Allen, H. L. Scientific literacy and the Sociology of Science: New frontiers for the 21st century. Sociology of Science and Technology 10(4): 25-36.
- Allen, H. 2018. Scientific literacy and the future of ethnic minority groups in the United States: The unfinished Civil Rights Movement. Athens Journal of Social Sciences 5: 133-150.
- Allen, H. L. Faculty workload and productivity: The trauma of Trump. 2018 NEA Almanac of Higher Education. Washington, D.C.: National Education Association: 43-55.
- Allen, H. L. 2018. Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, and Implicit Bias, a presentation to the Department of Court Services, 17th Judicial Court, Rockford, IL 61101.
IJF courses/subjects:
Sociology of Hate
Violence Against Women
Race and Ethnic Relations
Males, Masculinity and Violence
Violence in Minority Communities
Urban Sociology and Demography
FBI and Policing: Problems and Possibilities
On Evangelicals and Society
Social Concerns
Carl J. Jensen, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, The Citadel
Invited Lecturer, John Leland Center for Theological Studies

- Ph.D., University of Maryland, Criminology and Criminal Justice
- M.A., Kent State University, Sociology
- B.S., United States Naval Academy, English
Relevant Presentations/Publications:
- Jensen, C. J. Hard questions: The future of policing. Spirituality and Law Enforcement Consultationhosted by McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University. May 17, 2017.
- Jensen, C. J., D. H. McElreath, and M. A. Graves. 2017. Introduction to Intelligence Studies, 2nd Edition. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor and Francis Group.
- McElreath, D. H., A. Doss, J. Jensen, M. P. Wigginton, S. Mallory, L. S. McElreath, L. C. Williamson, T. Lyons, and W. Flaschka. 2016. The Mississippi Hustle: Corrupting the financial principal-agency relationship at the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Crime, Law, and Social Change. DOI:10.1007/s10611-016-9673-z.
- Jensen, C. J., and A. Bringuel. 2013. The concept of social equilibrium and its application to policing. In S. G. Shoham and J. D. Freilich Policing & Preventing Terrorism around the Globe. Whitby, ON: de Sitter Publications: 19-37.
- Levin, B. H., and J. Jensen. 2004. The Futures Working Group: A partnership for the future. Crime & Justice International20(78): 27-28.
IJF courses/subjects:
A critical history of policing in America
Psychological/sociological explanations of systemic racial bias
Inez Tuck, Ph.D., M.B.A., M.Div., RN, FAAN
Managing Principal and Consultant, Inez Tuck & Associates,
Professor Emeritus, Virginia Commonwealth University
Invited Lecturer, John Leland Center for Theological Studies

- Ph.D. , University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Child Development and Family Relations, Minor: Sociology
- M.Div., Virginia Union University, Theology
- M.B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Business Administration
- M.N., University of Florida, Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing
- B.S.N., Agricultural & Technical State University, Nursing
Relevant Publications
- Nicholas, P. K., Breakey, S., Tagliareni, E., Tuck, I., Neal-Boylan, L., Ladd, E., Corless, I. B., Reynolds, R. Y., Simmonds, K., & Lussier-Duynstee, P. 2020. Advancing a School of Nursing Center for climate change, climate justice, and health. Annual Review of Nursing Research. org/10.1891/0739-6686.38.147.
- Cahn, P., Tuck, I. Knab, M.S., Doherty, R.F., Portney, L.G., Johnson, A.F. 2018. Competent in any context: An integrated model of interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care, Online July 24, 2018. doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2018.1500454.
- Tuck, I. Does the concept of dignity warrant further research, and can the work be moved forward? Research in Gerontological Nursing. (Guest editorial).
- Tuck, I. Introduction to special issue of Spirituality and Mental Health. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 35(4): 236-237.
- Tuck, I. & Anderson, L.B. 2014. Forgiveness, flourishing, and resilience: The influences of expressions of spirituality on mental health recovery. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 35(4): 277-282.
- Tuck, I. A critical review of a spirituality intervention. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 34(6): 712-735. doi: 10.1177/0193945911433891.
- Tuck, I., Baliko, B., Schubert, C.M., & Anderson, L. A pilot study of a weekend retreat intervention for family survivors of homicide. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 34(6): 764-793. doi:10.1177/019394591244301.
- Tuck, I. On the edge: Integrating spirituality into law enforcement. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin: , 14-21. B.A. in Religion, Campbell University
IJF Courses/Subjects:
Mental health and social justice
Spiritual healing in stress, trauma and illness
Wellness spirituality in policing
Climate justice and health outcomes
Rev. Dr. Robert Wallace
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of McLean in McLean, VA
Invited Lecturer, John Leland Center for Theological Studies

- Ph.D., Baylor University, Biblical Studies, Religion
- B.A., William Carey College, Religion
Relevant Presentations/Publications:
- McKeever, M. & Wallace, R. Reading in Church & Other Distractions. Seriously Simple Podcasting, 2016 – 2018. https://rwallace.net/feed/podcast/
- Wallace, R. Robert Wallace, Ph.D.: Hebrew Bible Professor. August 1, 2014. http://rwallace.net/
- Rev. Dr. Wallace is finishing a book with Baker Academic Publishing provisionally titled, “Reading the Old Testament Through the Psalms.”
IJF Courses/Subjects:
Justice, Church, and Society
Critical Engagement with Biblical Justice
Justice Formation Externship
Resourcing the Work of Congregations and Nonprofits
Jeffrey G. Willetts, Ph.D.
Professor, Mercer University
Invited Lecturer, John Leland Center for Theological Studies

- Ph.D., University of Wales, Swansea, Philosophy
- M.A., Yale University Divinity School, Religion
- B.A., Campbell University, Religion
Relevant Publications/ Presentations/ Consultations:
- Willetts, J. G. 2018-2020. Cultivating Educational Capacity Project, through the Committee on Race and Ethnicity, Association of Theological Schools.
- Willetts, J. G. Spirituality and Law Enforcement Consultation. McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University. May 17, 2017.
- Willetts, J. G. Marriage, family, and sexuality: Theological, moral, and pastoral implications. 43rd Annual Faculties’ Convocation, Washington Theological Consortium, September 28, 2015.
- Willetts, J. G. A brief prolegomena on the language of ‘spirit’ and law enforcement. Beyond Survival: Wellness Practices for Wounded Warriors Conference, FBI Academy, National Conference Center, June, 2008. (An abridged article containing the same material may be found in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, January, 2009).
- Willetts, J. G. 2007-2009. Spirituality and law enforcement. Lecture, presented annually at the FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia.
- Willetts, J. G. Religious diversity and theories of reference: A reply. In response to “Religious diversity and theories of reference: A grammatical alternative”, Brian Birch, Utah State University. Annual meeting of The Society for Philosophy of Religion, Hilton Head, South Carolina, February, 2003.
IJF Courses/Subjects:
Philosophy and Race
Christian Ethics